From Paul Simmonds, St Lawrence:
Don’t be fooled by UKOG claims –it’s fracking by another name.
IW residents need to come together in solidarity to oppose UKOG’s intentions to extract oil and gas on the Island.
A council spokesperson states, “any planning application would be determined on its merits”. This is an outrage; there are no merits. It’s criminal that our council should consider any planning permission they clearly have no social responsibility or conscience.
UKOG claims, “there will be no fracking and no pollution. Don’t be fooled, they can’t be trusted as their well-kept secret doesn’t tell you they intend to use a process called chemical acidisation; which like fracking carries all the risks to our health and environment but even worse it uses a higher concentration of chemicals. Companies like UKOG want to use this process across Sussex, Surrey, Hampshire and the IW. It’s fracking by another name.
The threat is real and we cannot be complacent. Frack Free IW is doing a fantastic job in challenging this but the community needs to stand up and defend its rights to clean air and water, and protect our environment in the face of a climate change crisis.